Imparting Grace Ministries, LLC exists to advance the kingdom of God by developing strong ministries that impact and improve the "quality of life" of women worldwide.

Intellectual growth through teaching and training;
Social development through fellowship;
Spiritual maturity through the study of God's word;
Physical renewal through health and wellness initiatives.

Imparting Grace Ministries, LLC was established by Deaconess Fran Jones originally under F.J. Dedicated Ministries, Inc. The name was changed in 2014 to its present name, Imparting Grace Ministries, LLC to reflect an all-encompassing, wider-reaching mission. Its mission is to help create strong ministries to tend to the souls of women worldwide, crossing barriers of church affiliation, race, language, nationalities and bias.

As part of its mission, Deaconess Jones has created a network of deaconess to share their wisdom, information and experience in fellowship. This network includes pastors, deacons and, at is core, is a unified body of deaconess who, by virtue of their agenda, are strategically in the wisdom and temperament to minister to and meet the needs of women. Such a network does not work in isolation, but in cooperation with pastors, the church and deacons. Our pastors need help, not competition, to unify and meet the needs of the congregation. Such a dedicated body of deaconess is committed to modeling the ministry of Jesus as outlined in Luke 4:18.

I am convinced "the poor" referred to in Luke 4:18 are primarily "the poor in spirit," for such were the first category of humankind addressed in the beatitudes. We can clearly see that spiritual poverty leads down a desolate road to broken-heartedness, spiritual captivity, spiritual blindness, emotional, psychological, and even mental bruising. Such is the sad and chaotic reality not only of women who are not members of any church congregation, but of women who are a part of almost every congregation. This, I believe, is the dismal and depressing spiritual climate into which God desires to send forth deaconess united and armed with the liberating message of Christ.

To this end, we have established a Deaconess Association where deaconess come from across this city and abroad to create a stronger and more unified body of deaconess, pooling our collective resources, experience and brilliance, thus empowering us to meet the diverse needs and societal challenges the 21st Century presents.