Fran A. Jones, Founder
Frances "Fran" A. Jones has been referred to as the expert of Deaconess Ministry. She has been actively sought by pastors, deaconess ministries, congregations and women's ministry groups throughout the nation for her enlightening and educational curriculum developing active and effective Deaconess Ministries. She works tireless to promote, educate and unite ministries, both women's and men's in the church, and strengthen their work in today's modern world.

She has been a guest and keynote speaker at various conferences, conducted personalized custom workshops and facilitated guided instructional programs. Deaconess Jones provides on-going training programs to assist with the process that women must travel in order to become a true Deaconess.

Born and raised in Charlotte, NC, she relocated to Washington, DC in 1964 escaping her past and in search of a future. In her first book, The Making of a Deaconess, she shares that painful, personal journey from a lost young woman to a dedicated, respected Deaconess who defines the true meaning of women's ministry.

Currently, Mrs. Jones serves as a Deaconess at her home church, The Word of God Baptist Church in Washington, DC. She is mother to a son, a daughter and one deceased daughter; and grandmother to six grandchildren. She resides in the suburbs of Maryland with her supportive and loving husband, Earnest. She travels throughout the nation teaching and ministering to women from all walks of life and ages.