September 29, 2017: Official Book Launch Party!

Join Word of God Baptist Church and Imparting Grace Ministries, LLC at the official book launch party with author, speaker & educator, Fran A. Jones for her newest book in the Deaconess series: The Making of a Deaconess: The Next Chapter
Deaconess Fran Jones has added to her popular book series on Deaconesses with the addition of The Making of a Deaconess: The Next Chapter.
In this highly-anticipated re-release, Fran Jones revisits the most trying aspects of her life’s journey and invites readers to reflect on the painful experiences that shaped her deaconess ministry. She draws on these experiences to demonstrate the imperativeness of meeting the needs of today’s women in insightful, practical, spiritual, and professional ways. Now with the handbook and workbook under one cover, she aims to equip deaconesses for work in the pews and in their communities.
Deaconess Jones will be on hand to sign all purchased copies and speak to you about your deaconess ministry.
Food and refreshments will be served.
For questions or more information: (202) 544-9563 or (202) 656-3894
R.S.V.P. is requested